infant, premature, child development, evaluation.Abstract
Objective: To compare the global and motor development of infants born preterm, regarding the performance in the chronological age and corrected age for prematurity. Methods: This is a crosssectional study. The sample was comprised of 182 preterm infants (< 37 weeks of gestational age) and low birth weight (< 2,500 grams) belonging to the following age groups: 2-4 months (n = 182), 4-6 months (n = 146), and 6-8 months (n = 112). The global development was assessed through the Denver-II test in the three age groups, and the motor development was assessed through the Test of Infant Motor Performance in 2-4 months group and the Alberta Infant Motor Scale in 4-6 and 6-8 months group. The infants‘ performance classifications in the chronological and corrected ages were compared through the McNemar’s test. Results: The global and motor development was delayed in 75% to 91% of the infants, regarding the chronological age in all three age groups. Otherwise, concerning the corrected age for prematurity, the delayed performance was detected in 33% to 51% of the infants in all three age groups (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The development assessments taking on the chronological age could overestimate risks and problems in the first year of age.
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