Indigenous people, education, native language.Abstract
Introduction: national education and native language are potential points of safety and development for indigenous small-numbered peoples. Objective: to analyze the tendencies in the field of native language and national education of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Northern Tyumen region. Methods: descriptive and retrospective analysis of sociological monitoring was conducted from 1993 to 2011 over two-year intervals to reveal indigenous peoples’ problems. Results: in 1993, 35% of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Northern Tyumen region noted that they had mastered the native language, while only 24% did not master the language. Whereas towards 2011, only 6% of these peoples had mastered their native language and 65% had not mastered the language. At the end of our research, in 2011, an absolute majority of respondent indigenous peoples noted the need for lessons of their native language, 70% study in Russian language and 30% would like to study the native language. Conclusion: there is a tendency of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Northern Tyumen region to assimilate their native language and they have a high interest in having their native language included as a component of national education.Downloads
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