Relationship between bone age, hormonal markers and physical capacity in adolescents


  • Vanessa Carla Monteiro Pinto Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Educação Física - Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova - Natal/RN
  • Petrus Gantois Massa Dias dos Santos
  • Matheus Peixoto Dantas
  • João Paulo de Freitas Araújo
  • Suzet de Araújo Tinoco Cabral
  • Breno Guilherme de Araújo Tinoco Cabral



Testosterone, Oestradiol, Muscle Strength, Physical Aptitude.


Introduction: Physical capabilities are an important parameter of the functional development of adolescents, not only by chronological age but also by their maturational state, as individuals with the same chronological age can have different performance to their less mature counterparts. Objective: To compare and relate the physical capabilities and hormonal markers according to sex and maturity of adolescents. Methods: The sample consisted of adolescents of both sexes, aged 10 to 14 years. We evaluated the maturity achieved by a predictive equation of skeletal age, physical capabilities (explosive power of upper and lower limbs, velocity of upper limbs and agility) and hormonal markers (testosterone and oestradiol) via chemiluminescence. Results: Females showed more advanced maturational status, higher weight, body height and oestradiol levels; males performed better in the explosive force of upper and lower limbs, upper limb speed, agility and testosterone levels. In the normal maturational state males showed greater skeletal age, body weight, body height, explosive strength of upper and lower limbs, and testosterone levels; the females in the normal maturational state had higher skeletal age, body weight, body height, explosive upper limb strength and oestradiol levels. In the male correlation analysis, bone age was related to the explosive strength of upper and lower limbs and testosterone; while bone age in females was related to explosive upper limb strength and oestradiol. Conclusion: It is concluded that maturation, testosterone and oestradiol levels play an important role in the physical aspects and performance of motor skills of adolescents, especially in upper limb force which was more related to the maturation obtained by skeletal age of males and females.


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