Promotion of social skills promotion in preschool children
Habilidades sociais, Programas preventivosAbstract
Social skills promotion in the child's relationships, in a preventive level, provides the development of and improvement in social competence, resulting in greater adaptability to the social environment. This research aimed to verify the effectiveness of a preventive program of social skills development in children between 4 and 6 years old and their parents. The results reflect the performance of 9 children of both sexes, with age between 5 and 6 years. CBCL (Achenbach, 1991) was used as the analysis instrument, answered by parents about the children's behaviors, before and after the participation in the program. Based on this analysis, it was possible to observe that there is a statistical difference between CBCL results before and after intervention, indicating changes in parents' perception about their children's behaviors and the probable increase in behaviors that facilitate social interaction.Downloads
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