The relationships between the child- mother and self recognition in children with and without autism


  • Francesca Osório Di Napoli Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Instituto de Psicologia; Departamento Psicologia do Desenvolvimento
  • Cleonice Alves Bosa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Departamento Psicologia



Autism, Typical Development, Self, Self-recognition


This study examined the relationships between the of child- mother and self -recognition in children with and without autism. More recent theories outline the quality of child-mother interactions for the emergency of this ability. It was observed that there are divergences in the emergence of that capacity, the role of the developmental age and forms of expression in atypical population However, the relationship between child-mother interaction and self recognition was rarely investigated. In this study, participated twenty child-mother dyads distributed in two groups (typical development (DT) and autism). Interviews with the mothers, a play session, and experimental techniques for measuring self recognition were used. The videos of the observation session were used for coding both the maternal and child's behaviors. Associations between the self-recognition maternal behaviors were also found. The results showed differences between the groups on child's behaviors with the TD group showing greater frequency of joint attention. The results suggest that the presence of the mothers seems to be important for the occurrence of self-recognition. Finally, the examination of the self-recognition ability, independently of the speech, may be an important tool in the psychological assessment of children with language impairment and/or delay.


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