"In the beginning I used to leave with a broken heart": the first mother-infant separations


  • Rita de Cássia Sobreira Lopes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cristiane Alfaya Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Cibele Vargas Machado Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cesar Augusto Piccinini CNPq




Mother-infant separation, Motherhood, Maternal feelings


The present article investigated maternal feelings regarding physical separation from their infants. Forty-seven primiparous mothers, aged 20 to 37, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, who lived with the baby's father, took part in the study. Each mother was interviewed in order to investigate the experiences of motherhood in the baby's third month of life. The mothers' answers were examined, utilizing content analysis, based on four categories (separation situations, feelings regarding separation, substitute caregivers and feelings towards them). The results of this study found that mothers reported feelings of permanence with the baby, even when they were both physically separated from one another. On these occasions, however, feelings of sadness, abandonment and worry were predominant. Most mothers perceived themselves as being the primary caregivers, even when they were not physically present with the baby. This indicates that mothers have a secure attachment to their children. Despite the mothers' worries about separation, they also reported feeling secure when they had reliable support figures to care for their baby.


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