The kiss as a mobilizer for health education: emphasis in bucal health of adolescents. An experience report
Teenager, Kiss, Bucal health, Bucal hygieneAbstract
This paper describes an experience undertaken by a team of health care workers, primarily dentists, who were responsible for introducing bucal care practices to teenagers. From 1999 to 2001, health care workers, utilizing the Methodology of Problematization, employed a mobilizing theme called "the kiss" for bucal care education with eighth grade teenage public school students in Curitiba, Brazil. The teenagers worked actively in the construction of the problem by raising doubts, expressing their desires and interests and discussing possible solutions and alternatives. In doing so, the students related their bucal health to their sexual and affectionate experiences. This strategy proved very effective as it created a trustful atmosphere between the team of health care workers and the teenagers, which, in the end, becoming a motivating, satisfactory endeavor in the field of education in bucal health.Downloads
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