The concept of co-parenting


  • Giana Bitencourt Frizzo Universidade Federal do Rrio Grande do Sul; Instituto de Psicologia; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
  • Carla Meira Kreutz Universidade Federal do Rrio Grande do Sul
  • Carlo Schmidt Universidade Federal do Rrio Grande do Sul
  • Cesar Augusto Piccinini CNPq
  • Cleonice Bosa University of London; Institute of Psychiatry



Co-parenting, Family system, Marital relationship


The aim of this study was to review the concept of co-parenting and its implication for research and clinical practice. For this purpose, the historical origin of this concept and its relevance for the current context are examined to allow an evolution of the concept. The results show a trend that move away from the mother-child dyadic concept towards a concept involving the mother-father-child triad. These studies have implications for clinical practice because they offer new possibilities of working with co-parenting (both married or divorced parents), as a focus. A lack of instruments in this area was noted; an issue that should be highlighted in future studies.


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