Schoolchildren's play behavior in the toy library
play, toy library, genderAbstract
The present research aimed to characterize schoolchildren's play behavior in a toy library, identifying the different toys used by boys and girls during their play. 517 direct observations of free play events were performed, using an observational protocol. The results confirmed the existence of segregation and stereotypes in children's play, showing that boys tend to play with boys and girls, with girls. Furthermore, the composition of the group, based on the sex of the children, determines the type of toy used in the playing activity. The groups of boys showed preference for social games, toys that reproduce the technical world - miniatures, little cars, helicopters - and fantasies. In the groups of girls, toys which are related to affective development - dolls, babies, dolls' clothes -, social games and fantasies prevailed. In the mixed groups, a predominance of the use of social games, fantasies and toys that reproduce the technical world was verified. The variety of playing activities verified in this research can be explained by the great collection of toys and possibilities of creations offered by the toy library and its playing spaces.Downloads
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