Motor profile of children and adolescents with moderate metal retardation


  • Samira Schultz Mansur
  • Adair José Marcon



Motor profile, Children, Adolescents, Moderate mental retardation


The motor control of mentally retarded persons is altered by the insufficient information between afferent and efferent commands. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the motor profile of children and adolescents with moderate mental retardation. The study group was composed of 20 male and female children and adolescents between 7 and 15 years old, students attending the APAEs (Association of Parents and Friends of the Handicapped) at the cities of Biguaçu and Palhoça, state of Santa Catarina. Data were collected by means of the Motor Development Scale "MDS"14. Statistical treatment was made by Epi. Info 6.0. The level of all the motor abilities was evaluated as "very inferior". The fine motricity quotient got the lowest deficit while the quotient of temporal organization obtained the highest deficit. These results showed the close relation between the cognitive potential and the motor conduct of persons with moderate mental retardation. Their functional deficits can be a consequence of their inadequate psychomotor abilities, interfering in cognitive, affective and social development.


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