Analysis of the tendencies over time of mortality due to uterine cancer in the state of São Paulo: 1980 to 1998
Women's health, Cancer of uterus, Endometrium cancer, EpidemiologyAbstract
This research project is a descriptive time-series study of the frequency of cancer of uterus in the state of São Paulo, according to age and distribution in São Paulo city and other cities of the state, during the period from 1980 to 1998. The above-mentioned tendency study, during 19 years, between 1980 and 1998, was based on information obtained from the databank of IBGE and the national Ministry of Health. Mortality rates have been analyzed according to age and distribution in São Paulo city, other cities of the state and year of death. The time-series analysis has been calculated with brutos and standard coefficients. The analysis of cancer of uterus mortality over time during this period presents an increase but the tendency of mortality due to uterine cancers not otherwise specified (NOS), shows a sharper decrease. When the results obtained are analyzed it may be concluded that both the State and City of São Paulo present priorities typical of developed countries, as concerns the high incidence of this neoplasm, they do not, however, belong to the same category as regards the access to the measures necessary as may seen from the considerable increase in the death rates from this cause.Downloads
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