Convicts: Perceptions and Feelings about their paternal condition
Prison, Convicted Fathers, Bonds, DevelopmentAbstract
The present study aimed to understand the relationship between convicted fathers and their children inside the prison environment. The theoretical framework of the research is based on three discussion points: the first one deals with the current social and political combination of events and the contradictions that are generated by the current economic conditions, which contribute to massive imprisonment, and the prisons' role in the current society; the second point presents some theoretical considerations about human development under an ecological perspective; finally, the third point concerns the convict's family members in the prison environment. The study was conducted in a Penitentiary in the state of São Paulo and had the participation of seven fathers who were randomly chosen, taking into account only their parenthood condition. The semi-structured interview was one of the data collection instruments, together with the researcher's field diary. In the process of analysis of the collected data, the information is organized in two parts: the first one discussed the results obtained from the interviews with the convicted fathers, and the second one dealt with the data collected during the participant observations and through the field diaries. The results showed, in a general way, that the prison generates impacts on the relationship between fathers and their children, as well as on the family relationship. They also show that such an institution is not ready to deal with this question, and that very little is known about this reality.Downloads
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