Educational practices: joint participation of mothers and their children in the determination of daily routine activities
Educational practices, parents and children, middle-class urban familiesAbstract
The child's acquisition of independence can be favored or impeded by the educational practices used by the family. This article intends to describe how university level mothers deal with this aspect in the education of their children, aged 2 to 7. With this purpose, 50 mothers were interviewed. Twenty-five mothers were residents of a middle-sized city located in a rural area of the state of São Paulo and 25 were residents in the capital city of one of the northeastern states of Brazil. Forty-three questions from "Roteiro Reestruturado de Biasoli-Alves e Graminha" were used. The questions seek to discover whether it is the mother or the child who directs situations in the child's daily routine. The results show that in the majority of instances (around 60%), there is a joint determination. In other words, both mother and child tend to make the decisions together as to which direction daily routine situations should follow.Downloads
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