The importance of characterizing the research context: dialogs with Environmental Psychology


  • Ana Paula Ribeiro Kobarg Colégio Selesiano de Itajaí
  • Ariane Kuhnen Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Psicologia
  • Mauro Luís Vieira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Psicologia



Contexts of development, environmental psychology, human development


Recent studies in the area of psychology have attempted to answer some important pending questions. This process has led to a better understanding of human development when it is viewed as being inseparable from the physical and sociocultural context. It has integrated new possibilities of organization, articulation of concepts and methods of analysis, and focus has become more specifically directed towards certain aspects that involve the study of human behavior. It is of great importance for the researcher to consider the environment that circumscribes the object of research and to seek an understanding of its relationship with human development. Environmental psychology can therefore have a relevant role in the achievement of this aim.


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