Children born after assisted reproduction techniques
Infertility, reproductive techniques, fertilization in vitro, twins, gestational age, neonatologyAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To compare maternal characteristics and perinatal results of children conceived by different techniques of assisted reproduction at the Center of Human Reproduction of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. METHODS: descriptive study retrospective for data, prospective for analysis in women submitted to different techniques of assisted reproduction at the Center of Human Reproduction of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein from January 1995 to December 2003. All the cases of pregnancy success and delivery that occurred at the Institution were selected. RESULTS: in the studied period from 2448 procedures were carried out, 439 in vitro fertilization and 2009 intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The pregnancy rate, on average, varied from 25-30%. There was no significant difference between the two methods as to perinatal results. Major morbimortality was observed in multiples in relation to single births. CONCLUSIONS: assisted reproduction techniques did not interfere in perinatal results. Prematurity was the determinative factor to the bigger morbimortality of multiple births.Downloads
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