The aspects that composes the body image's construct by the adolescent's view
Body image, qualitative research, adolescence, social representationsAbstract
The aim of this study was to recognize the construct of the body image in the young's discourse and to relate them it the national researches. For that an explorer cross-section study was carried out with adolescents of a private school in SP, ABC Paulista. Semi-structured interview were applied using The Discourse of the Collective Subject' technique based in the Social Representation' concept. Data were tabulated using three methodological approaches: central idea; key expressions and discourse of the collective subjective. Discourses of 121 adolescents was evaluated, 200 key expressions was grouped in six central idea: 1) affective aspect (31.5%); 2) cognitive aspect (29.5%); 3) descriptive aspect (20.5%); 4) normal (9.0%); 5) behavior aspect (8.5%) and 6) depends on the situation (1.0%). The study concluded by the Discourse of the Collective Subject that the body image construct seemed to be multidimensional, presenting itself of form balanced between the aspects affective, cognitive and descriptive. In researches involving the construct "body image" is necessary to have clearly which the aspect will be evaluate for then choose the best instrument.Downloads
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