The adolescent and the hearing loss: the portraited family relations in the test of the drawing in colors of the family
Adolescent, hearing loss, psychology, family relationsAbstract
Present research aimed to investigate the emotional components and the difficulties involved in family dynamics of hearing impaired adolescents, since family has to deal with biopsychosocial aspects of adolescence and deficiency. Eight adolescents, aged between twelve and eighteen years old, both sexes, and their parents took part in the study. Family Colored Drawing Test - FCDT the employed tool, has been submitted individually to the adolescents and their parents. Each participant drew his (her) family and asked to the tool questionnaire. Thus, based in systemic approach, familiar context could be visualized in the particularity of each involved member, as well as general view of family structure. Therefore, it was observed that hearing deficiency causes dysfunctions that are shown through interactional dimensions, such as communication, conflicts, affection and integration, reflecting upon parents fear and unsafety, and upon their children, repression and dependency.Downloads
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