The social matter in contemporary france: a survey experience


  • Fabiola Zioni Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Prática em Saúde Pública



violence, young population, school, immigration, urban problems, popular conjoined


France went over urban conflicts in its own popular quarters. Occurrences with the police sealed by the death of a resident, generally young or adolescent, are followed by violent public manifestations: strokes, car incendiary fire and/or on public and private settlements, police confrontments. In the conflicts at French "banlieue" can be apprehended common elements to the English and/or American events of other decades. OBJECTIVE: consists in identify the perception and the residents representations about their life and health conditions in France. METHOD: qualitative inquiry through in Les Aubiers, popular quarter in Bordeaux, at the years 2002 and 2005. The resident population in the quarter is composed mainly of immigrants or French foreigners, proceeding from different localities: North Africa, Sub Saharian Africa, Turkey, Portugal, Reunion. The social and economic indicators present significantly lower levels than the others Bordeaux quarters, following the dispositions found in others "banlieues". Among these indicators, the unemployment rate, mainly among youth, is alarming (40%). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: the social politics should turn more to the individual direction than to the territory, as it only will be transformed by the former one and not the contrary. A quarter and a population stigmatized are contemplated with an extensive social policy. Although liable to criticism, one may not disregard the existence of systematical integration efforts, nor the existence of social policies. If they are inadequate, it is about enlarging the space of discussion in order to reform it. It is about knowing which is the disposition of contemporary societies, as a whole, to fight against the iniquities and segregations.


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