The youth, the images of their selves and the city: speeches in movement
youth, city, image of itself, young people, speechesAbstract
It is in the polyphony of the city, in the emergence of the urban rhythms and senses that youths present themselves as active voices that are capable to dialogue with the urban about their own needs and desires. To comprehend the relationships between youth and the city, as well as the meanings that involve this moment of life for some young girls were the main goals of this research. The researchers interviewed five young girls, with ages between eleven to fourteen, that were residents of a popular neighborhood in Florianópolis/SC. The speeches of those young girls were analyzed by the contributions of Bakhtin (1990) and Vygotski (2000). The reading of the material allowed the organization of the information in thematic units of analysis, entitled: Child, young, adolescent? I don't know! Images of itself; Interlaced voices: silence and shouts in the youth, and Young girls: histories and trajectories in a popular neighborhood of Florianópolis. The results permitted to understand the intricate scheme of social voices and relationships, that participate in the process of itself's image's constitution of the investigated young girls, and the way they appropriate the speeches of many "others" in their own speech. This study demonstrates that the speeches, generally, reveal the multiple voices, audible or not, that constitute the collective and singular conditions of the investigated young girls and that these voices are (re)produced in the spaces where they live; the Neighborhood Association is one of the most significant places for those young girls' constitution as suibject.Downloads
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