The hospital playroom as a factor in the promotion of child development: report of experience


  • Lecila Duarte Barbosa Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Psicologia
  • Letícia Macedo Gabarra Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Programa de Pós Graduação em Psicologia
  • Claudete Marcon Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Hospital Universitário; Divisão de Pediatria
  • Julia Laitano Coelho Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Curso de Psicologia
  • Juliana Macchiaverni Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Curso de Psicologia



infantile hospitalization, toy library, infantile development


The hospital is often seen by the child as an unpleasant experience which is accompanied by pain, anxiety, fear and feelings of abandonment and guilt. The play behavior is the way most authentic of the child to express and show their emotions. This article is then to present the activities in the Project: toy library - Draft Recreation in Ward Pediatric, held at the University Hospital of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, with hospitalized children and companions. It consists of an extension project and emphasizes the importance of playing activities to promote physical well-being, minimizing the emotional imbalances caused by illness and hospitalization process, it also aims to promote the continued development of the child. The activities included a series of actions, such as games, drawings, puppets, among others. It was observed that the intervention aided children to meet the requests made by physicians, understand the disease process and also aided toward a better interaction with the health staff. Therefore, we conclude that the play actually minimizes the trauma of hospitalization, therefore, should not be taken as a leisure activity but as part of treatment, optimizing the intervention and waning lenght of hospitalization.


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