Cesarian section in pregnancy after rape


  • Maria Auxiliadora Figueredo Vertamatti Programa de Atenção a Violência e Abuso Sexual de São Bernardo do Campo
  • Jonathan Vinicius Lourenço Souza Faculdade de Medicina do ABC; Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
  • Silvia Vieira Programa de Atenção a Violência e Abuso Sexual de São Bernardo do Campo
  • Ana Paula Ohata Programa de Atenção a Violência e Abuso Sexual de São Bernardo do Campo
  • Mauro Sancovski Faculdade de Medicina do ABC; Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
  • Luiz Carlos de Abreu Programa de Atenção a Violência e Abuso Sexual de São Bernardo do Campo
  • Caio Parente Barbosa Programa de Atenção a Violência e Abuso Sexual de São Bernardo do Campo




sexual assault, rape, pregnancy, cesarean


Sexual violence is one of the most outrageous situations against human rights and beyond its psychological consequences it exposes the victim to genital and extragenital traumas, Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) and pregnancy. This last one still brings a higher responsibility to woman, who become pushed to a difficult decision regarding to maintaining or not the gestation. The clinical practice has demonstrated that cesarean section has been the choice of delivery in most cases, and it motivates the authors to argue the reasons of this practice. CASE REPORT: M.C.F.L., 32 years old, born in Pernambuco, proceeding from Sao Bernardo do Campo, four previous gestations (three vaginal deliveries and one cesarean section). Victim of physical and sexual aggressions from the father of her children, after the last childbirth, she ran away to live with her relatives in Pernambuco, where she was raped by unknown man. Back to Sao Bernardo, she discovers to be pregnant the rape, and started to be pursued by the former-husband. In this scenery, the patient, in the 37st week of gestation, was examined at the Program of Sexual Abuse Treatment (PAVAS-SBC), revealing the desire to not face the process of labor and vaginal delivery, even with physical conditions, because she wasn´t able to accept the child as her sam. COMMENTS: according to literature, rape and naturally its consequences, like pregnancy, is more common among adolescents and the choice of cesarean section for delivery is about the physical, pelvic and psychological immaturity to face the labor and childbirth. The evolution of a gestation, including the moment of the delivery, demands great emotional stability, which is minimized or just absent in a violence situation, like this patient and her painful situation made us to decide for a cesarean section. It is necessary to know the social and psychological context in order to understand their distress and frustrations.


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Case Report