Colecting the collector: the shortest way to humanization of assistance


  • Sandra Dircinha Teixeira de Araújo Moraes Hospital Maternidade Interlagos; SES
  • Cássia Maria Buchalla Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Epidemiologia
  • Vitor Engrácia Valenti Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Lucinéia Leite Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Ana Cristina d'Andretta Tanaka Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Saúde Materno-Infantil
  • Hugo Macedo Jr. Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Luiz Carlos Abreu Faculdade de Medicina do ABC



Humanization of Assistance, Maternal-Child Health Centers, User Embracement


INTRODUCTION: the shelter consists in a powerful cause of changes. This work reflects the experimented satisfaction, outcome of the performance in a synergic and highly productive environment. OBJECTIVE: to implant the maternal-neonatal assistance from the shelter to the internal customer. METHOD: direct daily observation of in distinct sectors of the Hospital the Maternity Interlagos (HMI) - SES/SP and its out patient sector was performed. Two members of the multidisciplinary team nade semistructured interviews that supported humanization in the hospital environment. The professionals were divided by areas of professional exercise, from the administrative to the assistencial work. RESULTS: implantation of a Collection and Humanization Committee of the Maternal Assistance occurred in the Hospital Interlagos Maternity, with participation of the leaders of shelter in the institutional management, this providing better individual and collective performance in the activities in the Hospital.


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