Clumsy straight paths: Notes on prison segregation of the lawbreaker with mental suffering
judicial power, psychiatry, criminal lawAbstract
The horror of the reality found in mental hospitals, lack of care, treatment and rights. Simultaneously, the society exposes its prediction, for acts performed as spectacular. Hence it requires the State to make disappear these messengers of the worst, which are devoid of their history, recognition of their human and social complexity. The silent asking for help of this citizen, his case was not heard by the same society. The anguish, suffering and inconvenience direct the individual to perform the "barbaric" act. There is, in this context, lack of assistance to the scream of despair, disregard and disrespect implicit in the model of health care, which becomes, then, the problem of the judiciary. Thus, he should be presented as a "psychopath", irretrievable from madness and for social life, and there is no other way, but his containment and exclusion of social order. To the state remains to discuss terms: Responsibility or Nonimputability? Equality and difference. Still, to live with the dichotomy that the law is influenced by the anti-asylum movement.Downloads
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