Psychiatric reform of the security measures: the experience of paili in goiás


  • Haroldo Caetano da Silva



psychiatry, community psychiatry, security measures, compulsory hospitalization, clinical competence


The law n. 10.216/2001 humanizes the mental health care, and shifts the focus of treatment towards community and open services. The Psychiatric Reform Act or Anti-asylum Act, as it is known, reaches the compulsory hospitalization determined by the criminal justice as a security measure. Now, the judge must prefer ambulatory treatment, only opting by hospitalization "when the extra-hospital resources are insufficient", in which case will be preceded by "detailed medical report which characterizes their motives". The figure of dangerousness loses strength. The security measurement has not retributive nature. The remaining of the patient in the public jail configures the crime of torture (Law n. 9455/97). The Program for Integral Attention to Demented Lawbreakers concerns the implementation of security measures according to the Law n. 10.216, receiving their patients in health services. With autonomy, the health teams put into practice the best treatment without the necessity for prior judicial determination. The Program takes the subject to the Universal Health System, what greatly favors the inclusion of family and society, working as a successful experience in rescuing the dignity of patients undergoing a security measure.


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