Itinerary for deconstruction of the forensic psychiatric institute of Rio Grande do Sul


  • Claudemir José Ceolin Missaggia Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul



criminal law, psychiatry, law enforcement


This study aims to describe the experience of psychiatric reforms, measures of humanization and measures of deinstitutionalization. The first psychiatric reform was the idea of the recovery throutgh work. But over time, these colonies showed the same as traditional asylums. The way the Brazilian Penal Code regulates the subject is very easy to violate the principle of proportionality in that the perpetrator of a robbery and bodily injury, for example, may be deprived of his/her liberty (or have his freedom restricted) for an equal or greater sentence than the author of a murder, a robbery or a rape. To the extent I was enacting the extinctions of the security measures I realized that, by their large numbers could not be borne only of the Forensic Psychiatric Institute. I decided to request officially the authorities to receive patients from the Forensic Psychiatric Institute of the State. Officers of the Governor, the Human Rights Commissions of the Legislative Assembly and OAB / RS, the health authority and state and municipal prosecutor for the Defense of Human Rights and Citizenship prosecutors, etc. Finally, I leave one last message. Especially, we judges, shall call a right to be as ethical category and not just scientific category, the true and beautiful words of BALLESTEROS "the protection of others against my possible defections" and, as highlighted by this author, now in this true and beautiful words, the judiciary should not and cannot sacrifice the law on the altar of power and state.


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