The discourse of the collective subject as an i extended: proposal illustrated by a research about the morning after pill
morning after pill, pregnancy, adolescenceAbstract
In this study we discuss the use of the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) as a possibility to overcome some shortcomings of stalemates and traditional opinion. The purpose of the Collective Subject Discourse is to introduce the integrity of the review, in order to recover the collective scale, as essentially discursive variable, which is called the collective singular first person, which configures the view as an expression of"self extended". Hence, to do a community think through empirical research in order to know the collective opinion expressed directly, it will always be necessary to resolve problems of collective opinion that must necessarily be rebuilt, since from a perspective strictly positivist, only the separate opinion seems to exist. We conclude with the idea that the collective thought is a reference described by CSO and analyzed by meta-theoretical discourse.Downloads
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