Intra-and interobserver reproducibility in the cobb angle in scoliosis patients
scoliosis, Cobb's angle, Inter and intra-observer reliabilityAbstract
the aim of this study is to assess intra and interobserver variability of the Cobb method in subjects who have scoliosis. Thirty four scoliosis radiographs were evaluated for measure of the angle of Cobb. The intra-observer assessment was carried out by an observer, while the inter-observer evaluation was carried out by three observers. It was controlled intrinsic and extrinsic errors of measurement, but there was no pre-selection of the vertebrae that characterized the scoliosis. Both intraobserver and interobserver reliabilities were assessed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient (p d"0.05). No significant differences were observed between intra-and interobservers. The magnitude of correlation coefficients ranged from very high to unreasonable in chest and thoracolumbar level. Lumbar spine did not correlate in both conditions.Downloads
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