The interference of asthma in children's everyday
Asthma, health promotion, social representation, child, school, quality of life, quotidianAbstract
Asthma afflicts a great number of children in our society which makes it a significant childhood disease. The present study aims at investigating the disruption caused in the children's daily lives by asthma as well as identifying the way the disease is represented by the children and their parents. A qualitative methodology, based on the verbal discourse of the subjects, was chosen to identify the social representation of the pathology. Interviews on the disease were conducted with 45 school children, enrolled in the public schools of São Paulo, together with their parents and/or guardians. Social representations of asthma by this population were identified, using the Collective Subject Discourse Method. The results of the research showed enough knowledge, on the part of the subjects, of the interference of asthma in their children's daily lives, helping them to face the negative effects and elaborate strategies to improve their health and quality of life. Once these issues are known and understood, they provide warnings to the medical team responsible for the asthmatic child, due to the intrinsic nature between the representations of the disease built by the asthmatic child and his parents and the way he feels and interacts with the world around him and the society to which he belongs.Downloads
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