Youngsters and resilience: experience with joungsters in vulnerability condition
youth, vulnerability, resilience, social programsAbstract
The objective is to identify strategies for actions to reduce situations of vulnerability among young. This article presents results of a job carried out with youngsters in a social vulnerability condition at the city of Santo André, São Paulo, aiming to identify strategies towards social actions which can contribute for the reduction in their vulnerabities, using the resilience concept. Through a qualitative methodology, it was adopted a strategy of chatting groups, guided by subjects: 1) "project context and discussion about the resilience concept"; 2) "my current situation and my intentions"; 3)"my capacities and resources" 4)"to recover the strenght". We counted on 11 young people, between 15 and and 19 years old who were included in several kinds of Social Programs maintained by Santo André´s city hall. The discussions had been recorded in audio, transcribed and analyzed. This job was developed from November 30th up to December 02nd, 2007. The youngsters talked about their experiences on domestic violence, drugs, law conflict and familiar and social rejection, elaborating once more their own histories and realizing their overcoming potentialities, associating, at this moment, the resilience concept and the strengthening of their own competencies. Such strategy made possible the reflexion and exposition of their dreams and wishes as a real possibility. The chosen methodology allows more effectives approach and effective results with the target-group, and therefore it is promising to be used by social programs and actions focused on them.Downloads
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