Evolution of growth and development of children preschoolers zero-two years in the city of Goiânia (GO)
child growth, child development, preschool, risk factors, detection of delayAbstract
The study aimed to analyze growth and development evolution of preschool children in daycare centers from Goiânia, check the association between risk factors in children growth and development. We evaluated 39 children of both sexes, 0-2 years old. Children were assessed on three different occasions with an interval of two months between assessments. Growth was assessed by anthropometric measurements of height and weight and development was assessed by the Denver Test II. Most children had normal growth. In the first assessment 46% of children were at risk for the development, 28% in the second evaluation and risk assessment in the last 44% of the language area later. The following variables were associated with growth deficits and delayed development: increased maternal age, lower Apgar score at 5 minutes, male, less weight gained during pregnancy and unemployed mothers.Downloads
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