Neuromotor, growth and biopsychosocial profile of latents


  • Joyce Ribeiro Rothstein
  • Thais Silva Beltrame



growth, child development, prematurity, biological risk, nurslings


The present study aimed to describe the neuromotor, biopsychosocial and weight-height characteristics of infants. This research was accomplished in Fraiburgo-SC. The sample was composed of 80 infants, the experimental group was composed of 25 infants with biological risk history and the control group was composed of 55 infants without risk history. The instruments used for the data collection were: Neonatal Behavioral Assesment Scale, biopsychosocial form and the child health card. The data analysis was accomplished by SPSS system, version 13.0. The statistic tests used were: t test to independent sample and U Mann Witnney test. In the biopsychosocial conditions it was found prevalence of married mothers, with complete instruction and remunerate activity. The most common type of parturition was Cesarean in either groups. The infants of the risk group presented reduced levels of Apgar index in the first and fifth minute, cephalic perimeter, weight and length at the birth compared to the control group. The infants with risk history demonstrated lower neuromotor performance compared to the control group, and also presented grip pattern of the right and the left hands lower than the control group. This study showed that infants with biological risk factors present differential neuromotor, growth and biopsychosocial profile than children without biological risk.


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