Performance cognitive-linguistic and reading of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
learning, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, readingAbstract
OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to compare the cognitive-linguistic skills performance and reading of students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and students without behavioral and/or learning disorders. METHOD: the study included 20 students from 5th to 8th grade of elementary school. The students were divided into: Group I (GI): composed by 10 students with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, and Group II (GII): composed by 10 students without complaints of behavioral and/or learning disorders. The tests of metalinguistic skills and reading (PROHMELE) were used as procedure, composed of syllabic and phonemic identification, syllabic and phonemic manipulation, repetition of nonwords and reading tests. RESULTS: the results showed statistically significant differences between GI and GII, demonstrating that students from GI presented superior performances when compared to the students from GII. CONCLUSION: according to the findings of this study we can conclude that the difficulties presented by students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder can be attributed to inattention, hyperactivity and disorganization, characteristic of this diagnosis, and not to a disorder of language of phonological basis.Downloads
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