women’s surgical sterilization, women’s surgical contraception, phenomenology, women’s health, family planning, surgical contraceptive method, women.Abstract
This study grew from a concern of the authors-nurses and teachers of nursing-for women who face the choice of the definitivo contraceptiva method - the women’s surgical sterilization. Therefore, the I route chosen in this work was to try to comprehend the living experience of these womenin the process of choosing this contraceptive method. For this we used qualitative research - the phenomenologica~ approach. This theoretical metbodologcal strategv made it possible for us to grasp the essence of th~ phenomenon, without, howe~er, limiting ourselves to determining factors. As a
means to unrave^S’ th~ phenomenon, a guiding question was asked to guide ^the descript~ons of the socia~ subjects: ‘’Ta~k to m~ about your experience of ways of avoiding children. “Twenty-two statements were taken, which, through phenomenological analysis, revealed six different themes: the
contact with temporary contraceptive methods, the meaning of surgical sterilization, male participation in contraception, being a mother, the social and economic condition, the number of children and women’s existential outlook when facing sterilization. This comprehensive approach, through its results, opens new horizons to the care of women who seek means of controlling their fertility.
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