
  • Maria Cecília Leite de Moraes



prematurity, low birthweight, intrauterine growth retardation, development.


The objective of this bibliographic review is to lead to a reflection about an important epidemiological change that is happening at the present time: the perinatal mortality rate decreases, the survival of babies bom preterm, low birthweight babies and babies who have suffered intrauterine growth retardation increase. Congenital defects, evident neurological damage and non-evident neurological damage are noticed. This also panorama also focus on the concept of resilience, wich is becoming more and more important in the health sector.

Author Biography

  • Maria Cecília Leite de Moraes
    Terapeuta ocupacional, pós-graduanda da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo. área de concentração Saúde Materno-Infantil, pesquisadora do CDH.


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