child, education on prevention, AIDS, collective health.Abstract
The booklet presented by the Ministry of Health with the bases for an education on prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Al DS has the merit of being a valuable pedagogical instrument, since it puts the child in contact with a series of information about life on earth in general and, more specifically, with other men. However, in this article we indicate some aspects of the topics developed in the booklet that may betray the original purpose of the teaching- learning process: education on prevention. We assume that education is a complex and dynamic process, capable of embodying a reflection about the human becoming: it is not exclusivelyinfonnation and accumulation of knowledge; it implies a reflection about how a production of sense for the things and the meanings assigned to them takes place. Thus, we discuss the major focal points of the booklet, observing the need for it to get rid of the Jewish and Christian moral traps that it contains, as well as the dogmas which sustain the love relationship and human sexuality. In order to educate it is necessary to uncover the condition of a master who knows
eve~ything; it also requires an effort to uncover what is presented as new in a dialogical relation undertaken by the subjects involved in it.
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