
  • Neusa Guaraciaba dos Santos de Oliveira
  • Vera Silvia Raad Bussab



attachment, development, adult-baby interaction, child care.


The authors present an image ofthe baby, who, since its birth, is capable of communicating with whom takes care of it. Based in Bowlby’s theory of Attachment, this paper shows some studies that demonstrate the communicative behaviours which make the baby be an active partner in the interaction. In the light of this, the authors suggest a new way of rendering care: through communication, considering and respecting the signs emitted by the baby.

Author Biographies

  • Neusa Guaraciaba dos Santos de Oliveira
    Psicóloga, Pesquisadora do CDH, Mestre em Psicologia Experimental e Doutoranda em Psicologia  Experimental/USP.
  • Vera Silvia Raad Bussab
    Profa. Dra. do Departamento de Psicologia Experimental - Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Pesquisadora do CNPq.


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