health promotion, child’s health, health education, speech-language-pathology, family, toys.Abstract
Playing is an action leanned in lhe relationships es^tablished between people, being lhe chief manner children have of acting over the world. It has a signifcant role in lhe dynamic process of development, regarding social, cultural, a^ffective, motor, cognitive, emo^tional, linguistic and communicative aspects, among others. In this process, the family is the maininterlocutor of t^he children, acting as a mediator in the relationships established between them an^d the world. ^T^he activity of playing ^has different meanings in each culture according to habi^ts and life routine in a society. ^Heal^th professionals need to investigate in order to comprehend how playing happens in nowadays sociefies, ^t^he functions an^d values associate^d ^to the consumption of industrialized toys, and to the new fonns of interaction between the child an^d the family. In this sense, playing is a concenn to the health pro^fessionals, who mus^t assist ^t^he ^family in i^ts educational compromise with ^the child, through educational
acfions in health. Playing is an educational resource for developing health; it can ^be used in the involvement and in the cooperative acfion of the ^family in pracfices of specific protection and promofion of the child’s heal^th.
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