
  • Anamaria E. Ricalde
  • Arnaldo A. F. de Siqueira Universidade de São Paulo




anthropometry, mid arm circumference, pregnant women, nutrition.


Weight, height, arm circumference and uterine height during pregnancy were compared in a cross sectional study with two hundred pregnant women, in order to determine the
relationship between maternal arm circumference and other anthropometric indicators, and to determine patterns of changes of arm circumference during pregnancy. During the study, maternal arm circumference remained stable in the three trimesters of pregnancy. An analysis of arm circumference means showed no statistically significant diferences (P>0,05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that arm circumference was strongly correlated with weight at any
time during pregnancy; on the other hand, it was not correlated with gestational age, maternal height or uterine height at different trimesters. This implies that a woman’s arm circumference can be measured at any point in pregnancy to estimate pre-pregnancy weight. These findings, together with the practical advantages of using maternal arrn circu~ference, considerably strengthen the argument for using arm circumference for nutritional monitoring of pregnant women.


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Author Biographies

  • Anamaria E. Ricalde
    Pediatra, Magister en Salud Pública. Alumna de post graduación en nivel de doctorado, Departamento de Salud Maternolnfantil,. Facultad de Salud Pública, Univeridad de São Paulo.
  • Arnaldo A. F. de Siqueira, Universidade de São Paulo
    Profesor Principal en el Departamento de Salud Materno-Infantil, Facultad de Salud Pública, Univesidad de São Paulo. Dirección postal: Departamento Materno-lnfantil. Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo


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