
  • Zélia M. M. Biasoli-Alves
  • Regina H. L. Caldana
  • Maria Helena G. F. Dias da Silva



rearing practices, child, family, technical-scientific knowledge.


Young parents currently have many doubts ahout how to rear their children, searching for orientation with professionals such as the pediatrician, the Psychologist, the Teacher. As this
is a new situation, a study was carried out with two objetives: the first one is to contribute to the analysis of the process of change in the childrearing conceptions that guided the socializers attitudes during this century in Brazil; the second one is to discuss the possible social variables, present in the context, that correlate with the observed changes. Data of three pieces of research - two done through Oral Reports (mothers between 28 and 75 years old were interviewed about
their childrearing practices) and one througl^1 Written Reports (176 numbers of The Christian Family Magazine from 1935 to 1988 were studied) - were selected to be analysed and a
categorization of the reports was prepared before the application of three types of analysis: Quantitative Descriptive, Quantitative- Interpretative and Qualitative. The results were reported following some themes: 1. The evolution in the search for orientation to rear children in the XX Century; 2. The different kinds of orientation followed by the family; 3. The orientations that were given to the families to rear well their children; 4.The satisfaction and security to rear children in this century.The results show that before the 1 950’s a ‘Folk Wisdom’ predominated although the Pediatrician was beginning to be sought to give orientations to the mothers; afterwards,
there are big changes in urbanization and industrialization in the Brazilian society and the ‘Scientific Knowledge’ started to be seen as the only one able to promote development and adequacy to a’modern’ society. This brought deep alterations in the way children used to be reared in the family and, as a consequence, parents’insecurity appears when-the ‘folk wisdom’ is rejected by the new generations.

Author Biographies

  • Zélia M. M. Biasoli-Alves
    Prof Associado Depto. Psicologia e Educação - FFCL RP USP
  • Regina H. L. Caldana
    Prof. Assistente Depto. Psicologia e Educação - FFCL RP USP
  • Maria Helena G. F. Dias da Silva
    Prof. Dr. do Depto. de Didática - FLCH - UNESP - Araraquara


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