adolescent, identity, sexuality, gender, qualitative research, discourse analysis.Abstract
With the aim of interpreting the conception of adolescence based on the discourse of the social subjects themselves, this study had the objective of characterizing the process ofcontruction ofthe adolescent’s identity, starting from the mulpiple identifications that configurate it. Considering that in adolescence the emerging gender relationships and manifestations of sexuality assume par^licular significance throughout the process of identity formation, the authors
also tried to focus on such aspects with the purpose of aprehending the caracteristics assumed in the process, in view of the social space in which they move. In that sense, the identification of cultural patterns and ideological an^a social values that constitute the process represent the universe
of the studied group. The group was comprised of 31 student adolescents, bctwccn 15 and 19 ycars old, from both sexes, categorized in three social segments, living in a givcn arca of thc city of São Paulo.
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