
  • Maria Lucia Seidl de Moura
  • Adriana F. P. Ribas




mother-infant interaction, early child development, conceptions of development.


This work is part of a line of investigations that has been trying to articulate the sociocultura] perspective with results of two other research arcas: infant development and adultbaby
interactions. In this sense, an integration has been promoted between evidences on motherini‘ ant interactions and theoretical studies regarding the notions of construction zone and of interactive minds. Ideas about the notion of context as a space where such interactions take place and t‘rom which they can be better understood, or development niches, have been articulated. Elements that constitute the contexts have been identified (e.g. scenes, scripts, formats, partners, their respective activities and representations and the use of artifacts of different leveis). In this work, contexts in which interactions between newborn babies and their mothers are established
were examined. Scenes, scripts, the partners’ activities, interaction and episodes of interaction attempts were identified. The relation between the mothers’ conceptions concerning the babies’ competence and the nature of their activities and interactions with the babies were also investigated. For such, an observation methodology and a questionnaire developed by the research group were used (QCBR - questionnaire lòr the evaluation of the adults’ conception concerning the newborn
baby’s competencies). So far 15 dyads of mothers and babies, with ages between 22 and 37 days, were observed and filmed for 20 minutes in their residences. A significant correlation between the index of the mother’s activity and the total score in the QCBR was identified. The present work did not identify a correlation between total score in the QCBR and the variable interaction. The present work can contribute to a better understanding of cognitive development as a process
inserted in the social context.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Lucia Seidl de Moura
    Coordenadora do Curso de Mestrado em Psicologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de J aneiro.
  • Adriana F. P. Ribas
    Psicóloga, Mestre em Psicologia. Bolsista de Apoio Técnico FAPERJ.


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