Black Youth, Citizenship multipliers, Prevention, Vulnerability.Abstract
The existence of racial discrimination in society influences lhe construction of young and ethnic identities, and it also affects lhe social relations between men and women. Socialconflicts and inequality of opportunities are growing in lhe global society. Only through tbe perception of differences can we build equality. (OBJECTIVES) The present article aims to deal with the themes of Sexuality and Drugs simultaneously with a third one: Citizenship, because it is necessary to develop the individual conscience about rights and duties to obtain the collective transformation. (TARGET) The subjects were students attending courses directed to the poor population, specially black people, interested in studying at the University of São Paulo. (METHODICAL WORK) The Project selected boys and girls who were interested in participating in the INTERA CTI VE YOUTH Project. They acted as information multiplier agents amongst other youths who will have the chance to get to know the Project later on. The classes, workshops and text-productions emphasised the positive construction of young and ethnic identities, based on the knowledge of the African cosmic view about sexuality, the body, fertility, and also basic
notions about health, beauty, self-esteem, pleasure, mental and physical balance.
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