preterm, low birffi weight, follow-up, nursmg.Abstract
The mursing care given to preterm and low birth weight infante advanced a lot in recent years with the teclmology increment and lhe decline in infant death rales. This caused lhesurvival of a higher number of children and triggered discussions about the quality of life, lhe care needs and lhe follow-up over extended periods of time. The aim of this investigation is to identify the home care given to preterm and low birth weight infants, so as to characterize the follow-up during the first month after discharge from hospital. The methodological focus brings approaches from epidemiology, nursing care and health policies. The empirical study on home
care, based on data consultation in the hospital files, participatory observation and mothers’ oral reports at home, presents a characterization of the analysed children and mothers, hospitalization and attachment and the infant’s health care at home. Following this configuration we point to
aspects of these children’s follow-up through home visiting, composing basic elements of nursing care. Home follow-up involves taking care of the child according to its clinical needs, risks and damages prevention, alimentation, hygiene, use of medication, sensorial stimulation, among others. It also involves the care given by the mother by its side, listening to it, reviving expenences of the child’s hospitalization process, tahng care togeffier wiffi ffie child, giving education in healffi,
comffirt, self-assurance. At the same time, home care implies surveying offier family needs, raising community resources, establishing am integration of information and mtervention between the health services and the support services.
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