
  • Miriam Ittyerah B. D. Pathirana



street children, violence, abuse, impact, sri Larka


Serões children firam sri Lanka be^tween ^the ages of 5 Ad I I years were assessed for ^the psychological impac^t of violence and abuse, by testing for ^the amount of perceived aggression, ^their coping sãos amd impact of abuse. Results indica^te tha^t the youmger children displayed more
aggression than the older children amd the boys were more aggressive than the girls. Aggression was foremos^t for sexual abuse. The older children s«med to be able to cope better and the grils on the whole were more skilled in copmg tham the boys. The psychological impac^t of abuse seemed ^to be
more severe m the forms of depression amd snicidal thoughts. Mamy children felt that the abnsed would become an abuser or a criminal. I his has reaching consequences m a lesser imdustrialized country like sri ^Lanka, ^though ^the in^fluence is mainly ~m on^tcome of nrbam industriaíization.


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Author Biography

  • Miriam Ittyerah B. D. Pathirana
    Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi - l 10007, India.


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