
  • Vera Lucia G. Pereira Lima
  • Ana Lucia L. Araújo
  • Graciela Pagliaro
  • José Maria Arruda
  • Nora Z. Ribeiro Campos



School for Parents, Court for Childhood and Youth, infractor parents, Statute of the Child and Adolescent.


In conformity with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente - ECA), article 129, paragraph I^V, chapter V, which states that the attendance to
courses and orientation programs are measures that may be applicable to parents and those in charge of children, the first Court for Childhood and Youth of Rio de Janeiro has been developing the project “School for Parents”. This initiative, through social-educational actions for parents, aims at family reintegration of children and adolescents living in social risk conditions. Nine “Schools for Parents” - each with approximately 8 meetings in its first stage - have been implemented since 1998. During these meetings, various education, health and citizenship related topics have been stressed. This procedure has become an opportunity to point out social rights and duties as far as parentschildren relations are concerned. The families received food supply (“food baskets”) from the Chil&ood and Adolescence Foundation (Fundacao da Infancia e Adolescencia - FIA), free transportation tickets, support to keep children in schools or nurseries sponsored by the community or the Court, orientation given by social assistants and psychologists,
as well as other benefits, thanks to partnership with institutions, organizations and ente~prises, including the private sector. After this first stage, the participants are granted a 12-month support by the program “Family Solidarity”, which is funded by people who sponsor one of the families with the equivalent to I minimum salary per month. Support to fnd oppor~unities for generating income for the families has been another way of social insertion. This includes integrating the on-going co-operative enterprise of the “School for Parents”. The State Secretariat of Social Assistance, the Municipal Secretariat for Social Development and the Tutelary Councils have
been involved in the program, ensuring the progress of this work beyond the Court rooms and reaching the families in their home places.


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