
  • Nancy Lesko



adolescence, temporalization, panoptical time.


The modern age is defined by time, by a temporalization of expenence, that is, an understanding that events and change are meaningful in their occu^Irence in and through time. Millenial, evolutiona~y, and individual life narratives share such temporalizations wi~ an emphasis on the endings. But not all times are the same. I examine conceptions of adolescence as
partaking of panoptical time, a condensed, commodified time built upon global hierarchies of gender, race, and class, and understood at a glance as natural. Panoptical time emphasizes the endings toward which youth are to progress and places individual adolescents into a sociocultural na~^Tative that demands “mastery” without movement or effect. In these ways I interrogate the development-intime episteme through which adolescents are known, consumed, and govemed. I conclude by considering contemporary challenges to the slow, linear time of adolescent development. (Second pan)


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