adolescence, female adolescence, mass media, values, identity.Abstract
Adolescents are privileged targets for cultural industry products. Much of the important information for their development is available in the mass media. In many countries, magazines containing information and recreational activities specific for teenage women consumption are published. This work identified, organized and analyzed concerns, behaviors and values portrayed in some thematic sections of the Capricho magazine in order to construct an overview of the images by means of which female adolescence is represented and idealized. One hundred and twenty-three (123) news pieces dealing with aspects of the adolescent relation to society were analyzed, comparing those published during the 1993-1995 period with those published during the 1999-2001 period. Data analysis revealed an “ideal model” of adolescent that manages to balance: a) autonomy and freedom and, on the other hand, respect to limits; b) values and views with dialogue; c) self-valorization with differences; d) various modes of pleasure and leisure with responsibility, prevention from vulgarity, violence and diseases; d) the full living of the demands of adolescence without negligence of planning and preparing for adult life.Downloads
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