
  • Ana Cecilia de Souza Bastos
  • Célia Maria Lana da Costa Zannon
  • Miriã Alves Ramos de Alcântara



development-in-context, parent’s conceptions, child participation, “modes of cosharing”.


This study aimed at identifying some of the culturally structured mechanisms through which the child increasingly participates in family life and becomes a co-responsible member, when developing activities connected with the collective organization of daily life. The authors emphasized not only the context of interactions in which this insertion is promoted, but also the
parents’ ideas on children upbringing, both in the more generic plane and in the immediate plane of family routine description, justifying the child’s engagement. The cultural values expressed by the parents’ justifications, promoting or restraining the child’s participation, are important dh^l~ensions of the developmental context. The decisions made throughout this study were guided
by culture-inclusive, ecology-inspired and semiotic-constructivist ideas. In the empirical plane, these questions led to an intensive study of ten families, during one decade. The analysis, which
points to the interdependence between context, parents’ ideas and child engagement, was possible after the identification of the category s^lZari~^lg modes, taken as the unit of analysis and extracted from the analysis of the ongoing cultural practices in the family’s daily life. The sharing modes can describe the types, qualities and nature of the relationship between parents’ ideas and child upbringing practices, and also the cultural values prevailing in the reference cultural group. The analyses showed the interdependence between educational practices and cultural context, which is realized in various instances, interconnected in a fluid, reciprocal, non-linear way. The sharing modes express the coordination between different orders of external constraints and the action of the caretakers and ofthe child itself. In the article’s conclusion, two examples ofthis interdependence are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Cecilia de Souza Bastos
    Universidade Eederal da Bahia
  • Célia Maria Lana da Costa Zannon
    Universidadade Brasília
  • Miriã Alves Ramos de Alcântara
    Universidadc Federal da Bahia


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