
  • Ana Maria Girotti Sperandio



health promotion, eye health, children, sectonal integration, participation.


The purpose of this study w as the description of lhe strategic steps for lhe construction and implementation of a Projecto feye health promotion and visual problem prevention lo children
below 7 years of age in the city of Morungaba, São Paulo, with the participation of local social actors - from education and health sectors, non-governmental organizations and families - that
interact with the children population. This was an investigation-action Project which aimed at analyzing the developed process focusing on the social actors’ participation, utilizing a methodological process built during the development of the Project. The more impor ant results were qualitative. The Project has implemented in the city: health education acúons developed
with the social actors and with the children, the targeted population; actions among different sectors and institutions (City Administration, Education, Health and Non-Govemmental
organizaáons). Pa tnerships were established with local companies. The political and institutional local leadership took the Project over and was committed to its continuity: a law was created inshtutionalizing eye health promohon and visual problem prevention in public education; public and private sectors ran the Project through rntegrated actions; inter and intra sectonality were achieved and the Project established conditions for its self-sustentation.


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Experience Reports