Intrafamiliar violence against children and adolescents: support and overcoming network
intrafamiliar violence, child and adolescent, resilience, social and affective networkAbstract
This investigation has as principal object comprehend the overcoming process of intrafamiliar violence against children overcoming process of the families. It explores authors' oppinions about the value of the social and affective support network on the violence practiced by parents against their children overcoming process. It presents results referring to resident families of the city of Petrolina - PE, attended by the Tutelary Council. The data were collected through documental analysis and case study. The interview reports were treated by Bardin's content analysis. Express how the violence occurred in each family represented a difficulty for the participants, existing a tendence from the authors' in not admitting the fact. Finding a motivation that justify the practice of any type of violence against the children was present on the interviewed's words. On the delators' narratives, was observed an inclination to accuse the agression's authors. The attendance good quality of the service of Tutelary Council was referred by the most interviewed. However, it was perceived a dislocation between the work of the Tutelary Council and the support to the families' services. The participation of the afective network importance is mentioned as the main protention mechanism that they have. They link as challenges on the overcoming of violence episodes the relationship difficulties between author and victim and the lack of attendance by the Tutelary Council. It's pretended to contribute to the efectivation of the children and adolescents' rights, giving elements to the structuration of combat to the intrafamiliar violence networks, and the capacitation on its professionals.Downloads
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